Friday, October 28, 2011

Weekend in a Flash

While we’re running through a Nor’easter, here are a few fun things to do this weekend.


Start your weekend off right by catching Grimm on NBC at 9P on Friday. The show follows Nick, a descendent of the Grimms who solves crime with a bit of a twist. Also don’t forget Chuck’s final season starts right before Grimm.

In Time

If you can figure out what this movie is actually about, then you are one step ahead of us. But what we do understand is how hot the cast is. Hello Justin Timberlake and Bryce Larkin! Also we kind of loved Amanda Seyfried in Mean Girls.

Pop Culture Pumpkins

In honor of Halloween, has put together a gallery of pumpkins shaped like your favorite pop culture references. Click here to check them out.

What are you looking forward to this weekend?  Tell us @2littlecrayons on twitter.

We've Had Better Ideas

A few months ago it seemed like a great idea: two aspiring runners, an extremely cute named race, and Halloween weekend. So these two little crayons signed ourselves up for the Hobooken 5K and set about both "training" (Kate actually goes to the gym, Rachel contemplates signing up for one) and planning our race costumes.

Fast forward to today, a day before the race - and apparently a nor'easter's headed our way! We've actually had great weather this fall, and the weekends have, for the most part, been beautiful, and even unseasonably warm. How silly we were to think that we would be so lucky for this weekend.

Chances for snow are probably slim - but the alternative - freezing cold rain - does not sound any better. However, we are not quitters - and Rachel has to start training for a half-marathon in just one week - so run we will. Maybe no one else will show up and we'll win the whole damn thing? We do know one thing for sure - the brunch and couch time watching SOAPnet that will follow will be well deserved.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ask a Crayon

Q: My boyfriend and I have been dating for a over a year and I think he maybe cheating on me.  He’s become distant and we barely hang out anymore.  What should I do? - Confused in Cleveland

A.  If you’re feeling down why not brighten your kitchen with these bright pot holders from Anthropologie.

And then take this bright pink spatula and hit him in the head with it.  Then you'll probably want to run  far far away, and not just because the police have a warrant out for your arrest, but because you deserve better.  And when he comes to, he'll realize he lost a great girl.
If you have any questions let us know @2litlecrayons

Halloween Ideas

Totally stuck on ideas for Halloween?    Wanting to stand out in a crow of Charlie Sheens and Princess Catherines?  Well here are a few awesome ideas that will hopefully bring you home the big cash prize at your Halloween party.

The hipster

If you’ve been down to certain parts of Brooklyn recently you’ve probably seen the growing hipster epidemic.  For one day why not join them?  Take out your favorite flannel shirt and pair of chuck taylors for a truly authentic look.   And if you can’t grow a beard, how about trying the beardie? 
(Source: BuzzFeed)

Blossom and Six

After the Crayon, this costume was one of our best yet.  Pair your old Doc Martens with a quirky floral print baby doll dress that harkens back to the early 90s.  And don’t forget to find the ultimate Blossom accessory, the hat.  Get your guy involved by forcing him to do his best Joey impression by wearing ripped jeans, a flannel around his waist and a leather jacket.  Whoa that’s a good idea.


You know when they tell you you’ll never wear that bridesmaid dress again?  Well this is the year you can finally bring out that $400 frock for a second wear.  Inspired by one of the funniest films of the year, get a bunch of friends involved and make sure you have “Hold On” on your iPhone to help you make an entrance!

Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader Training Camp Candidate

Ok, so clearly we are filled with a ton of amazing costume ideas.  Thursday marked the first episode of the totally amazing “Making the Team: Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders” so celebrate try this twist on the classic DCC outfit.   Whether you’re a rookie or a veteran all you’ll need is a pair of navy shorts and either a hot pink or navy sports bra.  If you’re more modest (like we are) try creating a costume t-shirt using a Hanes classic white t-shirt some spray paint and cardboard.  Cut out “DALLAS” in the cardboard, lay the cardboard over your shirt, spray paint and let dry.  Repeat using a STAR for a true authentic look.  Luckily, the t-shirts come in a three pack, so if you mess up the first time, you’ll be able to try again. 

If it’s a little cooler where you live, make sure to pick up a pair of nude leggings to wear under you’re shorts. 

Occupy Wall Street Protester

What to wear when you’re going to stick it to the man by yelling down on Wall Street? How about something comfortable yet slightly dirty?  You are going to be sticking it for the long haul.  Make sure to complete your look with some choice words written on your arm and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s. 

What are you're Halloween ideas? Let us know @2littlecrayons

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Roaming Crayons

This weekend we decided to take a trip down to Zuccotti Park to see what all the fuss with this Occupy Wall Street was about.  Before staking our claim, we decided to make a sign so we’d fit in.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thought of the Day

Remember, friendship is a reciprocal relationship.  Your friends should always have your back.  They should be there for you when you need them and you should be there for them when they need you.  If you feel that you are the one that gives but gets nothing in return maybe it’s time to cut ties.  Friends should bring you joy and enhance your life not bring you sadness

Weekend in a Flash

Here are a few things we are looking forward to this weekend

Martha Marcy May Marlene

Featuring it girl of the moment Elizabeth Oslen, this movie that has been garnering buzz since Sundance is finally making its way to a theater near you. 

Once Upon a Time

You’ve probably seen commercials for this super eerie ABC drama premiering on Sunday at 8 PM/est.  Brought to you by the same guys who did Lost, you can expect tons of surprises. 

Game 3 of the World Series

We’re knotted at one game a piece going into the third game in Arlington, TX.  While the first two games featured tough pitching and small ball, the Ball Park at Arlington may finally bring some big pops back into the game.  The last time the World Series was tied 1-1 was 2002. Can we finally see a Series go to seven games? 
(Photo: Getty Images)

Did you know J.Crew opens up its factory store on line during the weekends?  Well you do now.  We love their factory jeans.  They are cute, durable and totally comfortable for an absolute steal. 
What are you looking forward to this weekend?  Let us know @2littlecrayons on Twitter.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Things We Love

It's a gross rainy day here in NYC, but this photo from BuzzFeed's post about puppies the size of soda cans instantly made us happier!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Totally Love the 90s

It seems like everywhere we look, the 90s are making a raging comeback. And luckily these two crayons remember the 90s very well. So here’s a Spleen-did and Spleen-don’t look to the 90s comeback scene.


Stone washed denim – Spleen-don’t
What worked on A.C. Slater in 1991 doesn’t translate in 2011. Our choice is to go for a dark colored wash in a hunter green, red or cobalt blue.

Plaid/Flannel – Spleen-did
What rocked on Eddie Vedder is still looking amazing 16 years later. A flannel top looks great paired with jeans for a casual weekend look, or pair a plaid shirt with a fitted pencil skirt to make a funky work outfit. Just leave the loose tattered jeans in the attic.

Scream – Spleen-don’t
We love a good campy scary movie as much as anyone, especially one that features one of Drew Barrymore’s finest performance, but one Scream movie is enough. It’s like The Fast and the Furious franchise, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

Toy Story – Spleen-did
It’s horrifying to think that when the first Toy Story came out we were 12 and the Atlanta Braves were marching towards their first World Series since the team was in Milwaukee but time sure flies. Luckily the whole gang knew how to get better with age.

Melrose Place – Spleen-don’t
90210 2.0 started off very rocky. Did they really have to break up Donna and David or have Kelly impregnated by Dylan? But the show found its stride. The same could certainly not be said for the Melrose Place remake which mercifully was canceled after one season. Some things should be left up to the professionals. And we mean Heather Locklear…NOT Ashlee Simpson!

Teen Nick – Spleen-did
Remember Snick? Well if you’re of a certain age you were dressing like Clarissa, hoping you could turn into liquid like Alex Mack, totally Scared of the Dark, proving you had Guts, or at the very least that you were All That and singing do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do because the Doug theme song was stuck in your head. And now thanks to Teen Nick, your 90s TV memories are back with re-runs of your favorite shows. Hey Dude, how cool?

NKOTBSB – Spleen-don’t
Ok, so for us the New Kids on the Block and the Backstreet Boys are bookends for our boy band fanaticism, but this in no way means we needed a joint effort. We’ll still rock out to “Hangin’ Tough” and “I Want it that Way” when they come on the radio we just change the channel when the new stuff comes on.

Wilson Phillips – Spleen-did
Did you know, things will change, things will go your way, if you hold on for one more day. Well at least that’s true for Wilson Phillips. Quite possibly one of the best parts of this year’s hit comedy Bridesmaids, Wilson Phillips has experienced a mini-resurgence. It even got Chynna Phillips on Dancing with the Stars. (Oh well, not everyone’s a winner.)

Buffalo Bills – Spleen-did
In order to be a Spleen-don’t of sports you’d have to be absolutely terrible for 20 years (insert Pittsburgh Pirates jokes here) but the Bills have finally turned the corner. With a Harvard graduate at the helm of their offense, maybe the Bills can finally bring home a Vince Lombardi trophy sometime soon. Or at the very least kick the ball through the uprights. (Sorry, too easy!)

Did we miss anything? Tell us @2Littlecrayons on twitter.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Roaming Crayons

Remember the time when Rachel met Drake at some awesome Canadian awards show? No. See below:
He told her not to rush an artisit. That's the only reason we're willing to wait for Drake's new album to drop on November 15th.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Things We Love

With the weekend finally here, we thought we’d give you some ideas on how you can spend your good old hard earned money. Double score if today was payday. Here are a few things we’re obsessed with RIGHT NOW.

We absolutely love the delicate femininity of the “grace mantra gold dipped necklace.” It also doesn’t hurt that one of our middle names is Grace. The necklace also comes in silver and adds a lovely touch to a casual outfit.

gold silver

Leopard print is everywhere this season and we think these “Mad Men Collection Izzy classic pump” from Banana Republic are totally adorable. (Tip: Banana is offer 25% off this weekend. Code: BRSAVE25)

Shop here

Halloween is just around the corner and we already know what we’re going to be. Obviously we’d never give it away until the big reveal on Oct. 28th but here’s another great shirt from the Who doesn’t love a good Mighty Ducks reference?

Shop here

We showed you ours, now let us know what you’re coveting this weekend @2littlecrayons.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Roaming Crayons

As crayons, we love a little adventure. Here's our trip to the Crayola Factory.